Coming Home: Returning to our Social Work Roots during Times of Disaster


  • Wilma Cordova Stephen F. Austin State University
  • Patrick Welch Carlsbad Medical Center, Carlsbad, New Mexico


This narrative will address two social workers' individual journeys as they responded during Hurricane Katrina and participated in the recovery phase following its aftermath. Combined, these journeys ignited the passion for social work as a profession. Included will be discussions on social justice and the NASW's Code of Ethics and a brief discussion of the historical state of Louisiana and the plight of its people. Finally will be a synopsis of the personal experiences each author had during a time of national emergency.


How to Cite

Cordova, W., & Welch, P. (2014). Coming Home: Returning to our Social Work Roots during Times of Disaster. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 13(3), 63–70. Retrieved from



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