Reflections on San Miguel Tzinacapan: "I Am Not The Same Person"


  • Rose Penzerro University of Texas-Pan American


Mexican American social work students from the University of Texas-Pan American spent two weeks in the state of Puebla, Mexico, including one week learning from the Nahua residents of the village of San Miguel, Tzinacapan. Students stayed in a small motel run by an indigenous women's co-op, and spent days visiting with the denizens of the village, including, the curandero (healer), mid-wife, radio station operators, bi-lingual (Spanish-NahuatI) teachers, and families with sons in the U.S. Student writings conveyed themes of respect for our common humanity, acceptance of differences in cultural values and deepened understanding of the interaction of historical, political, and economic forces. The students suggest the life-altering nature of their experiences.


How to Cite

Penzerro, R. (2014). Reflections on San Miguel Tzinacapan: "I Am Not The Same Person". Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 13(4), 62–68. Retrieved from