My Struggle to Understand Racism and Injustice: How I Kept My Sanity as a Pioneer in Multicultural Practice, Teaching, Research, and Consultation


  • Elaine Pinderhughes Professor Emerita, Boston College


Editor's Note. Elaine Pinderhughes, Professor Emérita at Boston College, graciously agreed to contribute a narrative to this special issue of Reßections. Her seminal contributions to multicultural clinical practice are well known to generations of social worker practitioners, educators, and students, as well as to professionals in many other disciplines. This narrative intertwines the story of her personal experiences with racism and the story of the development of her social work practice and theory-building in understanding the dynamics of power, difference, race, and ethnicity as they occur in clinical practice, with particular attention to their impact on African American clients. Her pioneering work in multicultural theory, practice, research, and education has made
an enduring contribution to the development of culturally competent clinical practice.


How to Cite

Pinderhughes, E. (2014). My Struggle to Understand Racism and Injustice: How I Kept My Sanity as a Pioneer in Multicultural Practice, Teaching, Research, and Consultation. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 10(1), 26–38. Retrieved from



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