He Said, "I know." Then He Died


  • Lloyd L. Lyter Marywood University, Pennsylvania


As the author's father was dying, they gifted each other - he gave his father permission to go, and his father lifted the weight of carrying his living will in his pocket for years. He was able to sit with his father for the last two days, hold his hand, say he loved him, kiss him good-bye, and tell him there was nothing more he could do for him. His father said, "I know. " Then he died. The experience strengthened the author's clinical and teaching work around dying and death more than any other could.


How to Cite

Lyter, L. L. (2014). He Said, "I know." Then He Died. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 9(4), 56–62. Retrieved from https://reflectionsnarrativesofprofessionalhelping.org/index.php/Reflections/article/view/1224



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