From Healer to Transformed Healer: Relearning Lessons in Grief


  • Erica Danya Goldblatt Hyatt Bryn Athyn College


neophyte, wounded healers, death and dying, grief theory, bereavement, fetal birth defect, CHAOS


Neophyte and experienced clinicians alike often question whether so-called “wounded healers” are more effective therapists than those who cannot personally relate to what clients have experienced.  This narrative discusses my professional and personal development in the field of death and dying from the perspective of an individual academically proficient in grief theory but devoid of personal experience, to that of intimately informed bereaved mother.  The healing effects of narrative, personal observations of grief, and implications for clinical practice are discussed.  Please note that some details from clinical practice, all names and identifying features of patients have been altered to ensure complete confidentiality.

Author Biography

Erica Danya Goldblatt Hyatt, Bryn Athyn College

Dr. Erica Goldblatt Hyatt is an assistant professor and department chair of psychology at Bryn Athyn College. Her current research includes implications of near-death experiences and identity development in adolescents following the death of a sibling. Her first book on the latter subject, published by New Harbinger Press, will be available in Summer of 2015.




How to Cite

Goldblatt Hyatt, E. D. (2015). From Healer to Transformed Healer: Relearning Lessons in Grief. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 20(2), 32–41. Retrieved from