"Driving Ms. Jane Addams": Students and Instructors Learn in Field Education


  • Jerry Watson Jerry Watson, M.S.W., M.B.A., Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Social Work, University of Mississippi (601-953-5515; jwatson2@olemiss.edu).


In this narrative article, I share the story of two white female social work students from small predominantly white Midwestern towns, who were placed at the same site in an African American urban inner-city field assignment in Chicago, Illinois. Invariably, the students and I encountered challenges and obstacles while attempting to work with the youth, parents, and teachers at their site.  In the process of supervising the students, we all learned valuable social work lessons.

Author Biography

Jerry Watson, Jerry Watson, M.S.W., M.B.A., Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Social Work, University of Mississippi (601-953-5515; jwatson2@olemiss.edu).

Jerry Watson, M.S.W., M.B.A., Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Social Work, University of Mississippi (601-953-5515; jwatson2@olemiss.edu).




How to Cite

Watson, J. (2013). "Driving Ms. Jane Addams": Students and Instructors Learn in Field Education. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 18(2), 32–36. Retrieved from https://reflectionsnarrativesofprofessionalhelping.org/index.php/Reflections/article/view/46