The Krisan/Sanzule Refugee Who Inspired a Ghana Ministry


  • Reverend Laverne McCain Gill Chautauqua United Church of Christ Society, Inc.


This narrative recounts the origination of a nine-year ministry in Ghana led by the author, the former pastor of Webster United Church of Christ, in Michigan. The focal point of the ministry was Ghana's Krisan/Sanzule Refugee camp funded by the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR). It follows the development of the ministry through the travails of a Liberian refugee who lived in the camp from its inception in 1996 to the beginning of its phaseout in 2006. During the course of the ministry, over fifty Americans traveled to Ghana and hundreds of others provided financial support stateside. The narrative also addresses the bonding between the author and the former refugee who inspired her. All names have been changed.


How to Cite

Gill, R. L. M. (2014). The Krisan/Sanzule Refugee Who Inspired a Ghana Ministry. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 17(3), 100–110. Retrieved from