Dogs Bring Comfort in the Midst of a Natural Disaster


  • Louise B. Graham Bridgewater State College, Massachusetts


Animal-Assisted Crisis Response work involves a certified animal (dog) and handler (owner). Together they bring a compassionate presence and comfort to those impacted by disaster. The present focus is on canine-assisted crisis intervention with disaster clients. Anecdotes of these interactions are described with particular attention to intervention techniques. The dog serves as an entrée to the establishment of a relationship and a venue for the affected individuals to talk. This rapport building then allows the human part of the team to normalize trauma reactions for adults, children, and first responders. Note: Disaster survivors' names were changed to maintain confidentiality.


How to Cite

Graham, L. B. (2014). Dogs Bring Comfort in the Midst of a Natural Disaster. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 15(1), 76–84. Retrieved from



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