Lessons Learned from Aging Dogs about the Meaning and Continuity in our Personal and Professional Lives


  • F. Ellen Netting Virginia Commonwealth University


This narrative is about the integration of the authors' personal and professional life as told through the stories of her aging dogs. Each dog's unique contribution has given the author and her husband lessons learned about meaning and continuity in their personal relationship as a couple, in their individual predispositions toward dealing with life and loss, and in how the communication link of telling animal stories bonds them to colleagues who have their own stories to tell.


How to Cite

Netting, F. E. (2014). Lessons Learned from Aging Dogs about the Meaning and Continuity in our Personal and Professional Lives. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 14(4), 27–37. Retrieved from https://reflectionsnarrativesofprofessionalhelping.org/index.php/Reflections/article/view/952



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