Horses and People Healing Each Other: The Impact of Participation in a Theraputic Riding Program


  • Patricia Westerman Bowie State University
  • Delores Westerman Marymount University
  • Holly Hargreaves Marymount University
  • Melissa Verge Marymount University


Interviews with participants in a therapeutic riding program yielded interesting stories about the important relationships that riders form with the horses they ride in the program. In addition to these relationships, several other factors are identified that help to tell the story of how these programs allow horses and people to heal each other.


How to Cite

Westerman, P., Westerman, D., Hargreaves, H., & Verge, M. (2014). Horses and People Healing Each Other: The Impact of Participation in a Theraputic Riding Program. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 14(4), 57–63. Retrieved from



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