Social Work and Spiritual Healing: Partnering With a Curandero


  • Alonzo Cavazos, Jr. University of Texas-Pan American
  • Catherine Faver University of Texas-Pan American


This narrative chronicles the Journey of a social worker and a curandero (male spiritual healer) who seek to
understand each other's treatment knowledge, values, and practice skills. This endeavor culminates in the collaborative
treatment of a client who believes she is demon-possessed. Embedded in the narrative are essential teaching
points for the social work practitioner who aspires to work with Hispanics who adhere to traditional cultural beliefs.


How to Cite

Cavazos, Jr., A., & Faver, C. (2014). Social Work and Spiritual Healing: Partnering With a Curandero. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 13(1), 1–15. Retrieved from



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